Fetch the 4-Legger Blog

The Word Organic Should Be A True All Natural Promise to Pet Parents

Finding an all natural dog shampoo should be easy. 4-Legger feels dog shampoo should only be marketed as all natural if the product is USDA certified organic.

Learn more about the USDA standard and why it is so hard to find truly all natural products.

Help! My dog just ate a chocolate bar! What do I do?
Ever wish there was a calculator where you could plug in your dog's weight, the type of chocolate they ate, how much chocolate they ate and it would tell you whether or not you need to take a trip to the emergency veterinarian? We found one and have shared it with you here!
Neem Dog Shampoo for Fleas and Dermatitis Is Worth Barking About

Discover the benefits of neem dog shampoo.

You don't need a medicated flea dog shampoo when you have the natural benefits of neem oil blended with sweet organic essential oil. An organic dog shampoo that improves your dog's skin while deterring pests!

Learn The Differences Between 4-Legger's Original and New Product Lines to Find the Best Organic Dog Shampoo For Your Dog

Learn the differences between 4-Legger's Food Grade Organic Dog Shampoo and USDA Certified Organic Dog Shampoo to find the best organic dog shampoo for your dog. 

We tell you how they are different and highlight the benefits of the new formulations! 

Look to see if Your Community Hosts Free Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Days

You may be shocked to see what is on the list for household hazardous waste. Something so toxic it has to be disposed of safely... ready to find out what it is! 

Also, check to see if there is a household hazardous waste day in your community so you can safely dispose of hazardous household waste. 


The World's First Safe & Non-Toxic Aloe Based USDA Organic Dog Shampoo
4-Legger continues to lead the market with a new product line of USDA Certified Organic Dog Shampoo. The first aloe based USDA certified organic dog shampoo!
A Holistic Approach to A Yeast Infection In Your Dog

Your dog is scratching and itching. Have you had your dog's skin checked for yeast? If not, go to your veterinarian and have them check. Grain free food and high carbohydrate food are causing yeast infections along with environmental toxins, and other factors that stress immune compromised dogs.

Learn how to combine traditional and holistic approaches to get your dog relief from yeasty skin and yeast ears!

What You Need To Know About Inflammation And Your Dog

You've switched to a grain free food and still your dog is still itchy.


We might have the answer. Read to find out why. 

Is Aloe Vera Toxic to Dogs?

Is the aloe in 4-Legger's organic dog shampoo and other products safe for dogs? 

We have the answer and tell you why aloe should be on your safety radar.

What is Antifungal Dog Shampoo? Are There Safe Yeast Dog Shampoo Alternatives?

There are hundreds of yeast dog shampoo products on the market. These antifungal dog shampoo products are primarily made with chlorhexadine.

We take a look at the safety of these dog shampoo formulations and evaluate whether or not they really are all natural and safe for your dog.

Is Natural Dog Toothpaste Really All Natural and Safe?

Learn about "poultry digest" and other ingredients in dog toothpaste and how natural dog toothpaste like dental powder and pet safe essential oils are a safe and non-toxic alternative to products with synthetic ingredients.

You can clean your dog's teeth and gums without synthetic ingredients!

Your House Can Smell Fantastic by Diffusing Pet Safe Essential Oils

If you are new to the use of essential oils, welcome! 

Essential oils are therapeutically beneficial for both you and your pets.

Unfortunately, the quality of essential oils is a confusing smorgasbord with marketing that spans from honesty all the way to misleading claims and outright lies. It can be difficult to find essential oils that are safe to diffuse around your pets or yourself if you are searching based upon what is on the bottle or what the website says or worse, based exclusively on price.

We've got a quick "how to" on the use of pet safe essential oils you can use to make your house smell fresh and clean!

Using Essential Oils To Support Your Dog and Cat's Neurological Health

When your dog has a neurological issue, it can be scary. While essential oils aren't miracle cures, they are very beneficial to support neurological conditions, giving your dog the best possible opportunity. 

Learn more about the NeuroBoost™ and NeuroBalance™ essential oil blends and why we've integrated them into our own dog's life. 

DIY Waterless Dog Shampoo for the Extreme Cold Winter Months

In a pinch, you can use arrowroot and baking soda with essential oils to absorb the excess oils on your dog's skin and coat. 

Learn when you should and shouldn't use dry shampoo on your dog and get a homemade waterless dog shampoo recipe! 

How Safe are Scented Candles and Air Fresheners Around Your Pets?

Do you burn scented candles in your house or workplace? Do you use aromatherapy for your dog? 

If so, you need a safer alternative for you and your furry children! Read to learn more. 

Highlights From The Updated 2017 Canine Vaccination Guidelines

There were some exciting updates in the 2017 Canine Vaccination Guidelines recently released by the American Animal Hospital Association and a disappointment.

We've pulled out the highlights and put it into focus!

An Act of Dog: World Premier on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)

Every single day approximately 5,500 dogs are euthanized at shelters across the nation. Together, we can stop this national tragedy.  It starts with exposure, education, compassion, empathy, and action. 

Learn more about An Act of Dog and look for it to air on your local PBS station.

Thankful Friday: Looking Back With Gratitude For Your Support

Instead of Black Friday, we're celebrating Thankful Friday (and we're starting on Wednesday)!  

Learn why we're so thankful and how one woman's breast cancer journey after losing a dog to cancer has made the industry safer for dogs around the world. 

Home Remedies for Dog Allergies | DIY Natural Dog Wipes

You know you can bathe your dog regularly to ease their allergies but it can be a hassle. 

Using 4-Legger USDA Certified Organic Dog Shampoo you can make your own safe and non-toxic wipes for quick cleaning! 

We'll show you how!

Is Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate a Natural Preservative?

Sodium hydroxymethylglycinate is a preservative based on the naturally occurring amino acid glycine. Does that mean the preservative is natural?

We've got the answer!  

Learn the difference between fragrance oil and essential oil

Learn the difference between essential oil and fragrance oil and discover how sensitive your dog may be to artificial fragrances.