Why Organic Non-GMO Dog Shampoo Matters
This past week I read a review of Biological Conservation: Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: A review of its drivers.* Don’t let your eyes glaze over from that title. This is important - keep reading!
The headlines from the review were clear:
- Over 40% of insect species are threatened with extinction
- Butterflies, beetles, ants, wasps, bees, sawflies, and dung beetles are the most affected species
- The loss of insects is driving the loss of bird populations
- There is also a loss of aquatic species: stoneflies, dragonflies, mayflies and others
- GMO and industrial agriculture is a big factor in the decline of habitat and survival insect biodiversity
We have known for years industrial agriculture practices coupled with the introduction of genetically modified crops has increased the use of herbicides that harm birds, insects, amphibians, marine ecosystems, soil organisms and these practices cause ground water pollution resulting in a rapid decline in biodiversity.
The Decline of the Monarch Butterfly
The monarch butterfly - one of the most majestic of the pollinator species on our planet has seen a decline of 68% over the past 24 years.
Starlink corn is genetically modified using the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) gene to make the plant resistant to the European corn-borer. The Bt toxin is in the pollen of plants and dispersed to other plants such as the leaves of the milkweed plant - the main food source for Monarch butterfly larvae.
Since the pollen from the genetically altered plant contains high levels of Bt toxin, the leaves become toxic to the larvae as it settles on them and they do not survive chrysalis (maturation).
Herbicides have been shown to cause damage beyond insects - birth defects in amphibians and disruption of endocrine systems and organ damage in animals even at very low doses.
Beyond Insect Biodiversity
Genetically modified canola has been found growing wild in North Dakota and California, threatening to pass on its herbicide tolerant genes to weeds and other plants.
Your Dollars Influence Change
By avoiding ingredients that are harmful to both our environment, ourselves, and our furry family members, you become the tipping point of consumer rejection - forcing these products off the shelves and out of our soil.
A great example was the 1999 genetically modified bovine growth hormone scandal where consumer rejection of these products led to them being removed from the majority of dairy products across the world.
Your rejection of petroleum based dog shampoo, dog shampoo that uses GMO crops, and dog shampoo that uses crops treated with pesticides and herbicides can be the tipping point in the industry.
All of the ingredients in 4-Legger's USDA certified organic dog shampoo are USDA Certified Organic, non-GMO, all natural, safe and non-toxic.
USDA Certified Organic crops do not use pesticides or herbicides. They must be naturally extracted and are traceable from the bottle all the way back to where and how they are grrown. They also provide a safe environment for pollinating insects.
The benefits of our organic dog shampoo go beyond your dog's health - they are also healthy for our planet.
*Francisco Sánchez-BayoaKris and A.G. Wyckhuysbcd. Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: A review of its drivers. Biological Conservation. Volume 232. April 2019. P 8-27. Article Link